Traditional Irish Breakfast


Traditional Irish Breakfast


Winstons Irish bangers
Heinz Baked Beans
Winstons Rashers
Winstons White Pudding
Fried egg
Grilled tomatoes
Potato Farls
Beer bread
HP Sauce

Potato Farls

4 cups of mashed potatoes
1/4 cup all-purpose flour, plus extra for dusting

Place warm mashed potato in medium bowl. Stir in flour. Mix lightly until dough forms.

On a well floured surface, knead the dough lightly. The dough will be sticky. Use a floured rolling pin to flatten into a 9 inch circle about 1/4 inch thick. Cut into quarters using a floured knife.

Sprinkle a little flour into the base of the skillet and cook the farls for 3 minutes on each side or until evenly browned. Season with a little salt and serve straight away.

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